Today was so funny. I can’t believe what happened. I am so
blur. Today at 10 I sent my IC and bank number copies to Pn J. She said I
must get the signature and cop from my work place or from Datuk R. I went
to my office and told A of the letter I received. He said congrats for
getting a job there.
I then and waited for En. Z to come to office. He came and
said that I have to ask for the cop from Pn A. So I went to the next block
to level 3 and Pn A settled it. Pn asked me a favour to give I’s letter
for correction. I went back to the next block and quickly went in the lift.
Suddenly an umbrella was used to open the lift and a man
came in. I was shocked. He gave salam and asked me, am I married or not. I said
not. He asked my number. I said no I can’t give and where are you from. He said
he is from the ground floor at the program for cabutan bertuah and he is from
JAKIM. He said he wants my number because he just wants to friend me.
I was like what
should say and do. I couldn’t think right. Erghh. When I arrived at the 9th
floor, he urges me to tell him my number. So I just gave him my number and
name. I went out of the lift and I felt great regret! OH NO! What have I done?
I shouldn’t have given him. I seriously don’t know what is going to happen
after this. Huhu. Ya Allah, please help me and protect me.
I went up to the 9th floor and gave En Z I’s
paper. I went down again to the next block and went to level 3. I gave the
completed letter to Pn J. I asked her am I going to work here or the next
block. She said I am working at the place I’m working now. Haha.
So I misunderstood in the first place, I thought I am going
to work at the next block. So it turns out I’m working at My Putrajaya News
officially. I went back to MPN and told
En Z about it, he said I told you so. Haha.
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